
Belgrade bus station from and to Belgrade city

Belgrade bus station and the train station located in the center city.If you can travel to any destination you choose in Europe.Prices are somewhat expensive if you decide to travel with the bus for the difference if you choose to travel train.

Belgrade bus station currently has 32 platforms on which the bus stop when they arrive in Belgrade.When holiday on the station will you wait a few taxi vehicles with which you will easily reach any part of the city.Belgrade bus station you will need only 5 minutes to get to Republic Square and it will cost if you go taxi vehicle no more than 3-4 euro.

Best better hotels in Belgrade Hyatt and Intercontinental are away from the bus station only 10 minutes and taxi transport vehicle will cost about 6-7 euro.

1 comment:

  1. Currently, train is not way to come in Serbia. Choose a plane if you can.

    Cvecara Beograd
